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Administrative responsabilities

  • 2014- 2023
    Deputy director of the INSPÉ, responsable for international relations and language policy.
  • 2009- 2023
    Director of the CAREL (Centre d'Autoformation et de REssources en Langues) language centre at the INSPÉ, University of Strasbourg.
  • 2010-2011
    Responsable for the implementation of the CLES (higher education national certification in foreign languages) at the IUFM d’Alsace, University of Strasbourg.
  • 2002-2011
    Participated in the setting up and running of the binational student teacher exchange programme: "la formation croisée", between the IUFM d’Alsace and the University of Southampton in England.
  • 2001-2009
    Jointly responsible for international relations with anglophone countries at the IUFM d'Alsace: organising, preparing and evaluating students taking part in professional mobility programmes.
  • 2009-
    Member of the board for the recruitment of teaching & research staff in English at the University of Strasbourg.
  • 2005-2009
    Member of the board for the recruitment of teaching & research staff in English at the Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France.
  • 2001-2004
    Member of the board for the recruitment of teaching & research staff in English at the IUFM d'Alsace.
  • 2002-2009
    Member of the web development group at the IUFM d’Alsace.
Mentions légales
Creative Commons License
Mis à jour le 22.06.2024