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International projects & cooperation

2024-2027 Partner in ACTIN (ACT and connect for INtegration:language learnign and cultural awareness) European Union AMIF programme




Partner in LoCALL (Local Linguistic Landscapes for global language education in the school context) European Commission project: Strategic partnerships in the field of education, training, and youth


Oct. 2019


Invited to AC21 Network seminar, Stellenbosch University, South Africa


Mar. 2019


Participation in ECSPM Symposium, Reading University, UK


Jan. 2019


Invited to Hamburg University, Germany




Adviser for Europe -CRiCLE-Net: International Advisory Committee


Sep. 2018


Invited to International Workshop "Inclusion, Education, and Translanguaging: How to Promote Social Justice in (Teacher) Education?", University of Cologne, Germany


Sep. 2018


Invited professor at Umea University, Sweden


May 2018


Comenius Association seminar, Klingenthal, France


May 2016


Comenius Association seminar, Klingenthal, France


Nov. 2015


Invited to a writing workshop by University of Dalarna, Sweden


Invited professor at Nara University of Education, Japan. International workshop on foreign language activities/education based on plurilingualism


Project coordinator of the "Community" (Collaborative Community Approach to Migrant Education/Co-construire l’éducation des migrants) project, ECML (European Centre for Modern Languages)  2012-2015 programme, Learning through Languages, Promoting inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural education




Invited professor at Villa College, Male', Maldives. Seminars and tutorials on writing up research for publication in academic journals.




Invited professor at Nara University of Education, Japan. Seminars and workshops on developing plurilingual competences in primary schools




Partner in the LUCIDE (Languages in Urban Communities: Integration and Diversity for Europe) project, European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme





Projet Merlion "A tale of two countries: A comparative study of bilingual children’s literacy transfer in Singapore and France" (sponsored by Nanyang Technological University and the French Embassy in Singapore, Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle).


Since 2006


Regular teaching exchange visits within the ERASMUS programme: Faculty of Education, University of Oulu, Finland (2006); University of Crete, Rethymnon campus, Greece, 2007); Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, Scotland (2010, 2011, 2013); Faculty of Education, University of Malta (2012 & 2014).




Member of the European Comenius project TESSLA (Teacher Education for the Support of Second Language Acquisition). (Elaboration, expérimentation et évaluation d’un programme de formation destiné aux professeurs des écoles ayant pour objectif d’apporter un soutien aux élèves qui n’utilisent pas la langue de l’école à la maison dans l’apprentissage de cette dernière).






Member of the ECML (European Centre for Modern Languages) project ENSEMBLE (Profils et politiques linguistiques à l'échelle des établissements scolaires), coordonné par le CELV (Centre européen pour les langues vivantes) dans le cadre de son 2ème programme à moyen terme, l’éducation aux langues dans une Europe multilingue et multiculturelle.






Member of the European Comenius project, TRAFIC: Transnational Framework for In-Service Courses. (Construction of a European framework for the continuing professional development of primary teachers in foreign languages).




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Mis à jour le 22.06.2024