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Conferences 2020-2021

  1. Cunningham, Clare, Young, Andrea & Mary, Latisha. “Sounds awful because it sounds like you don’t value their home language”: English and French teachers’ contradictory attitudes and practices, symposium S109 Perspectives on Language(s) in Education: A Comparative Overview, AILA, 2021, Gröningen-online, 17th August 2021.
  2. Cadi, Sonia, Siemusyhna, Maria, Mary, Latisha & Young, Andrea. "They juggle notions of linguistic landscape and language biographies as if it was something innate to them”: From the discovery of linguistic diversity to students’ identity engagement in a French secondary school. Panel: Axis 4. Linguistic landscapes and professional development possibilities: a look from the LoCALL project. 9th EDILIC International Conference: Pluralistic approaches, plurilingual competences, language appropriations: the learner at the center of educational realities, Thessaloniki-online, Greece, 6-9th July 2021.
  3. Young, Andrea, Mary, Latisha & Birot-Freyburger, Sylvie. Pratiques plurilingues, regards croisés : Comment accompagner les enseignants dans la transformation de l’habitus monolingue à l’école maternelle? Journées d’études internationales, Rencontre des chercheurs en plurilinguisme, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 18-19 mai 2021.
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Mis à jour le 16.02.2024