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Conferences 2015-2016

  1. Young, A. & Mary, L. Accommodating The Multilingual Realities Of Pre-schoolers And Their Families In A French State Pre-school: From Independent Co-existence to Mediating Interdependence (2633), Session: 31 SES 03, Monolingual Habitus / Multilingual Realities. Research for the Mobilisation of Multilingualism in Education: from Classroom to Career Transitions, ECER (European Conference on Educational Research), University College Dublin, 22-26/08/16
  2. Young, A. & Mary, L. From solitudes to synergies: fostering the learning and well-being of young emergent bilinguals through sensitivity in language use and teaching, 16th international conference of the Association for Language Awareness, Languages for life: Educational, professional and social contexts, Wirkschatfs Universität, Vienna, Austria, 19-22 July 2016.
  3. Young, A. & Mary L. Fostering learning, well-being and inclusion in the multilingual pre-school classroom,EDILIC Conference: Towards an inclusive, ethical and plurilingual language education, Győr, Hungary, 7-9 July 2016.
  4. Young, A. & Mary, L. Harnessing young emergent bilinguals’ linguistic repertoires in a French pre-primary class to facilitate learning and inclusion,4th International Conference Crossroads of Languages and Cultures: “Multilingual Educational Approaches and Language Policies”, School of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-3 June 2016.
  5. Mary, L. & Young, A. Bi/multilingualism in the pre-primary classroom, from threat to opportunity, International Conference: Social and Affective Factors in
    Home Language Maintenance and Development (HOLM 2016)
    , International Association for Applied Linguistics (AILA) Research Network (ReN), Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissendshcaft, Berlin, Germany, 12-13 February 2016.
  6. Young, A. Presentation of the Collaborative Community Approach to Migrant Education project, Final conference of ECML Programme 2012-2015:
    Learning through languages - Promoting inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural education, ECML, Graz, Austria, 10-11 December 2015.
  7. Mary, L.; Young, A. & Birot-Freyburger, S., "Ekmek... du pain” : Pratiques professionnelles dans une classe de petite section multilingue. Apprendre dans et par les langues ! Ou Comment accompagner l’élève allophone à l’école maternelle et primaire, Université de Haute-Alsace, France, 9-10 December 2015.
  8. Young, A. "Plurilinguisme et littératie multilingue : leviers d’apprentissages au 21e siècle, Les rendez-vous de Canope, Musée de l'Histoire de l'Immigration, Paris, 9 December 2015.
  9. Mary, L. & Young, A. “On va faire des lahmaçuns?” Mediating languages and creating safe-spaces in the preschool classroom. Issues of Multilingualism in Early Childhood  Education”, Research into Early Years Language Learning (REYLL), Roma Tre University, Rome, 26-27 November 2015.
  10. Young, A. "Ouvrons la porte de la classe aux langues de la maison : accueillir et communiquer avec les enfants qui ne parlent pas encore français". Snuipp, l'Athénée municipal de Bordeaux, 9 November 2015.
  11. Young, A. "Les démarches inclusives des langues et cultures familiales", colloque interacadémique et interdegré: Langues des élèves, langues de l'école, ESPE de Gennevilliers, Université Cergy Pontoise, Paris, 14 October 2015.
  12. Young, A. & Mary, L. "Translanguaging in a French nursery school class with emergent bilingual children and their families: How, when and why?", colloquium "Tasks and translanguaging: real meaning-making practices?", Sixth international conference on task-based language teaching (TBLT 2015), University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 16-18 September 2015.
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